- 11/11 - NO TROOP MEETING 2. Events Open for Registration. PLEASE REGISTER OR ENTER REGRETS. 10/18 - Souderton 3rd Friday - Shift #1 - 5:15 PM to 7:15 PM - Shift #2 - 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM 10/19 - 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM - First Responders Day 11/03 - 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM - Troop Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser 11/08 - 11/10 - Scouting For Food Camping Weekend 11/09 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Scouting For Food Drop-Off (Day Event) 3. Events NOT ON THE WEBSITE Open For Registration. Contact Mr. Moyer to Register. 10/12 - Green Lane Hayride Volunteer Opportunity 10/19 - 10/20 - Cub Scout Fall Fest Volunteer Weekend #1 10/26 - 10/27 - Cub Scout Fall Fest Volunteer Weekend #2 11/02 - 11/03 - Cub Scout Fall Fest Volunteer Weekend #3 4. Useful Links Troop Gear - https://troop14store24.itemorder.com/shop/home/ Register with the Troop - https://my.scouting.org/VES/OnlineReg/1.0.0/?tu=UF-MB-525taa0014
1. There will be a Committee/Parents Meeting on October 7th during the Troop Meeting. All parents are invited to attend. 2. Upcoming Troop Meeting Schedule - 09/30 - Troop Meeting - 10/07 - Troop Meeting - SPL Elections - Committee/Parents Meeting - 10/14 - Troop Meeting - 10/21 - Troop Meeting - 10/28 - Troop Meeting 3. Events Open for Registration. PLEASE REGISTER OR ENTER REGRETS. 10/04 - 10/06 - Cub-O-Ree - Registration Closes September 29th 10/18 - Souderton 3rd Friday - Shift #1 - 5:00 PM to 7:15 PM - Shift #2 - 7:00 PM to 9:15 PM 11/08 - 11/10 - Scouting For Food Camping Weekend 11/09 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM - Scouting For Food Drop-Off (Day Event) 4. Events NOT ON THE WEBSITE Open For Registration. Contact Mr. Moyer to Register. 10/12 - Green Lane Hayride Volunteer Opportunity 10/19 - 10/20 - Cub Scout Fall Fest Volunteer Weekend #1 10/26 - 10/27 - Cub Scout Fall Fest Volunteer Weekend #2 11/02 - 11/03 - Cub Scout Fall Fest Volunteer Weekend #3 5. REMINDERS FOR SCOUTS: - Please be continuing to look and consider ideas for menu planning next Troop Meeting. The more you consider your options, the better your food will be! - Continue working on your patrol's project for Cuboree. Don't forget to stay in contact with your patrol.